Jessica Tisch bringing law and order to ‘frat house’ NYPD

Jessica Tisch bringing law and order to 'frat house' NYPD

She’s giving them the heave ho-ho-ho!

New York City’s newly minted top cop Jessica Tisch has wasted no time cleaning house at 1 Police Plaza, bouncing brass and nixing cushy perks for others not even a month into the job.

Tisch, the second woman to lead the country’s largest police force, has spent much of December breaking up the so-called boys’ club within the NYPD — forcing out the head of its Internal Affairs Bureau for his shoddy handling of ex-Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey’s torrid sex scandal, stripping two high-ranking officials of their overtime-greedy drivers and removing a foul-mouthed spokesperson who once called a Post reporter a “f–king scumbag.”

“She is in charge and she wants to put an end to the out-of-control frat house atmosphere that was running rampant in the NYPD,” one police source told The Post.

Just one month after taking over, NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch, right, has rattled the “frat house” culture at the department. Paul Martinka

“Things are different now than they were under commissioners [Keechant] Sewell, [Edward] Caban and [Thomas] Donlon,” the source added. “The mayor is not going to protect anyone and no one is safe.”

Tisch, the city’s former sanitation commissioner, has been busy taking out the trash at the NYPD since she was sworn in on Nov. 25.

On Friday, she forced out IAB Chief Michael Iglesias for ignoring her requests to investigate Maddrey for the huge amount of overtime he was doling out — most notably to a subordinate from whom he repeatedly demanded sex.

The alleged victim, Lt. Quathisha Epps, filed a Equal Employment Opportunity discrimination complaint against the city, claiming Maddrey, formerly the NYPD’s highest ranking uniformed officer, demanded sex of all sorts in exchange for giving her exorbitant overtime.

The tawdry scandal — which allegedly involves other women — prompted Mayor Eric Adams to launch a department-wide personnel review.

NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey, the department’s highest ranking uniformed cop, was forced out amid allegations that he forced a female officer into a sex-for-OT arrangement. Paul Martinka

Iglesias also had a reputation for disrespecting Tisch, and was often confrontational with NYPD Chief Administrative Officer Kristine Ryan — even though both are three-star brass, sources said.

In one encounter, Iglesias, who would hang up on Ryan during phone calls, allegedly stormed into her office and chewed her out after she cautioned him about the cost of outfitting his new office, sources said.

Meanwhile, Tisch has also pulled drivers and stripped down security details for Chief of Patrol John Chell, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry and First Deputy Commissioner Tania Kinsella — who had an astonishing 18-member detail, three times that of her predecessor.

Chell and Daughtry’s drivers were both on the top 400 overtime list, and both high-ranking cops had been warned to put a lid on it but apparently ignored the notice, the sources said.

Tisch also bounced Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Tarik Sheppard from the public affairs office after he called a Post reporter a “f–king scumbag” in September and publicy tussled with then-Interim NYPD Commissioner Donlon during a photo op.

Sources said Sheppard lost favor with Adams after the sophomoric “scumbag” tirade.

The Post broke the story of the sex-for-OT scandal that cost NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey his job.

Tisch, a Harvard University graduate, is looking to restore law and order to her rank and file. She recently redeployed 600 patrol cops and detectives who were essentially doing busy work back to the streets — fulfilling Adams’ desire to bolster the ranks.

“The commissioner is trying to restore decorum to the NYPD and she wants to make sure every officer is accountable,” said a source.

Tisch hinted at her take-no-prisoners approach in a Post interview just after she was sworn in.

“I think New York City is exceptional,” said the mom of two boys. “I don’t think New York City’s exceptionalism means accepting the status quo when the status quo doesn’t serve New Yorkers.

“I care less about the palace intrigue and more about the substance of the work,” she added.

Tisch is the fourth police commissioner under Adams at the NYPD in under three years.

She took over as Hizzoner faces historic federal corruption charges that have already claimed several connected City Hall insiders — including his longtime top aide Ingrid Lewis-Martin, who surrendered to authorities last week on federal bribery charges.

Recently booted NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey, center, and Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matters Michael Gerber at a recent City COuncil hearing. Stefano Giovannini

“Mayor Adams put Commissioner Tisch at the helm of the NYPD to continue our administration’s success in driving down crime, while looking at the department with a fresh set of eyes and making the necessary changes to improve the NYPD,” City Hall spokesperson Kayla Mamelak told The Post Sunday.

“The mayor is working in close coordination with the police commissioner to better the lives of our officers and all New Yorkers,” Mamelak said.

Additional reporting by Carl Campanile

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